
Control Panel

The in-house WJ Web Services Control Panel allows you to edit your website in an easy-to-use yet feature rich environment.

The WJ Web Services cPanel allows clients to easily edit their websites without the hassle of learning HTML and understanding the code. It is a perfect option for those that want a low maintenance but fast and capable website. It is requently updated with more features and is developed on modern frameworks, allowing it to be fast and secure.

Our Control Panel allows users to:

  • Create new webpages from preconfigured templates
  • Edit existing webpages in an easy-to-use editor
  • View raw HTML and code if required
  • Insert links and images to webpages
  • Upload and attach files to webpages
  • Delete pages and files, which can be restored by the Control Panel Recycle Bin
  • Modify the side-wide navigation bar, configuring links, text, dropdowns and footer
  • Create new folders and rename files

Our Control Panel (cPanel) is included by default in any of our hosting plans. Please see below for some screenshots of the cPanel in use.